Hello bloggers! I wanted to do a quick post about this mask, Boots Botanics Conditioning Clay Mask, because I am really loving it. I found this at Target, having no idea what it was or what to expect but decided to give it a try. I have been using this for over a month and I am really able to see a difference in my complexion.
You have to make sure to shake it well or else it will come out too watery. When applying to the face, it will dry and harden up pretty quickly, and the green will change colors as it dries. Once I apply it to my entire face, I will leave it on about 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. It actually feels like clay on my face, kind of like if I am making a mold of my face. I love how easy it is to wash off. Once water hits it, it softens up and I wipe it away. I'm able to see a difference as soon as I wash it off... my face feels very smooth, pores are nonexistent, and I feel like it makes my skin glow. The best part to me (because I have VERY dry skin) is that it doesn't leave my face feeling dried out, as so many other masks/facial products do to my face.
All in all, I really recommend this clay mask to anyone who is looking for a new way to improve their complexion. I got it at Target for $9.39, which is not bad considering the prices of other face products on the market. The bottle is kind of small but it has lasted; I still have over half the product left. :)